Ocama…. Ocama – Ocama.. Pachamama
For all Taino of Borike'n, Haiti, Dominican Republic and Beyond
Ocama… mama
Ripped of skin
Blood and kin
Spirits and medicine
Called a sin
By kkkolonizers with guns and poison
Land and elders destroyed
Then told that we had met our end
Filled with love for Creator
And Pachamama
Innocent to kkkolonizers tricks and drama
Hands, Songs and spirits
Stolen and cut
Removed, displaced and shut
Our medicine is love
Which is why we could be shoved and kicked and
Hated and then missed
Until our ancestors moved through us – their descendents
To Resist the Anthro-pologists Wrong-ness
The philanthro-pimped funded theft of gangsters
With papers defining them as legitimate
Putting our stolen art and souls in ornate prisons named
After alien beings like
De Young and Carnegie
It is time Taino to take the herstory back
Wayyy back
So we can deconstruct the un-justice
And reconstruct our liberation based in
Ocama mama….