The Anti-GentriFUKation Mural is an art in resistance project of POOR Magazine/Prensa POBRE
The Anti-GentriFUKation Mural was co-created by youth, children, mamas, daddys and elder poverty, migrant and indigenous scholars and gentriFUKation survivors in residence at POOR Magazine/Prensa POBRE in collaboration with revolutionary artists Asian Robles, Carina Lomeli, Muteado Silencio, Nube, Vivian Thorp, Tiny and Oji Eli.
This art was created as a resistance to the impending gentrification due to the Eastern Neighborhood Plan and out of control real estate development and government complicity of the Redstone Building- a historic landmark where POOR Magazine's PEopleskool classrooms, Al Robles Living Library and indigenous news-making circle currently lives as well as The SF Living Wage, CISPES/FMLN , WRAP offices and hundreds of other revolutionary groups maintain headquarters.