To Trent, From Jesaka Irwin

Original Author
Original Body

June 2000

Dedicated to Trent Hayward...
You are...
A screaming memory reborn in a whispering connection.
So much strength
sheltered beneath your travelling eyes.
I have learned the intensity of loss,
and the propensity for madness
So tonight I light another candle
the smoke from nag champa burns like a blazing fire
and another joins the ancient burial ground in my soul
where the sacred at rest never die.
I may never understand the earths claiming
of street prophets, and works of art.
I will never comprehend...
but I will place all my faith in your next journey...
and hope I see you around in the next life.
Take care sweet Trent

One can never get used to loss, I have learned this over and over again.
It only gets deeper, and harder every time. Sometimes I hope I will get colder... because each passing becomes a mourning for everyone I have lost.

We will all miss you...
