POOR Magazine poverty skolaz, Po Poets and welfareQUEEN's travel to Detroit for the Allied Media conference and US Social Forum and to xchange skolarship with Detroit families and folks!
Monday, June 7, 2010;
Allied Media Conference:
Saturday, June 19th
(Incite) Mamaz Truth-telling
Sunday, June 20th
Challenging Media, Akkkademia and Research PeopleSkool workshop
Makeshift Reclamation -
US Social Forum
Wed, 06/23/2010
Childcare(Familycare & the left) (with POWER & child care collective)
Wayne County Community College: 340
Poets in poverty ReSist- welfareQUEENs and poetas POBREs perform
welfareQUEENS @ World Court on Poverty
Friday, 6/25/2010
Peoples Forum on Language Theft, Language Occupation, Linguistic Domination, Resistance & Reclamation
Throughout the history and herstory of oppression of indigenous peoples and peoples of color in poverty, the worlds of academia, research and media have successfully dominated, silenced and colonized indigenous voices, voices in poverty and voices of color, resulting in the loss of our native languages and an accepted and fixed notion of literacy and scholarship,i.e, who should be heard, who is a scholar and what is considered a valid form of data collection, media production and research. In this forum/workshop, the poverty, race, disability, youth, migrant and indigenous scholars of POOR Magazine's PeopleSkool will challenge the racist and classist concept of literacy, and how some languages have functioned as active tools of oppression and enabled the intentional exclusion, separation and silencing of voices in poverty, indigenous voices, youth voices, elder voices and voices of color to be heard, recognized, integrated and powered.
Detroit Community-wide:
4) WeSearch Camp @POOR - poor people led media and research outside the USSF and in street corners and neighborhoods across Detroit - please invite us to your community or struggle for a truth Voice
5) Homefulness POOR Magazine knowledge xchange posse- poor people led/indigneous people led sweat -equity co-housing project to give landless indigenous families access to permanent housing, arts and multi-generational education, localized food production, micro-business and equity not based on how much is our pockets- read the Manifesto for Change to understand the whole project- Please suggest/invite us to communities in detroit we should see /speak with