I dance to the beat of the drummers.
I hear the heartbeat, I follow stepping to the beat side to side.
I hold hands with old friends, forever friends, lost friends, found friends, and new friends.
I round dance.
I round dance, the sun has set, I dance deep in to the start lit night.
I round dance.
I listen to the singers voices, the ancient voices and new.
I hear the heartbeat of the singers hand drums.
I round dance.
Last song, last dance, last chance to hold a hand, last chance to sing a song, last chance to dance.
I round dance.
The stars are bright we have ended for the night. Time to rest round dancer.
Give the hugs of love and the handshakes of respect, go home happy and thankful for the great round dance.
Come Again.
Go now and shine as bright as the stars on this winter night.