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Heroe De Pobreza- Jose Antulio Matias Aguilon
Por: Ingrid Deleon
:( triste:( triste:( triste:( triste:( triste:( triste
El 30 de octubre fue el dia en que La maldad estaba rodiando el barrio de la mission
Despues de las 12 Jose Antulio Matias Aguilon Perdio la vida
y no por voluntad de Dios, sino por manos criminales que se dedican a quitarle la vida
a gente inosentes y trabajadoras como era Jose.
Todo esto paso en la 20 South Van Ness Avenue
Jamas olvidaremos todos sus recuerdos
hoy ya no esta en vida pero vivira en nuestro recuedo todos los dias de nuestra vida.
Yo siempre e tenido fe a Dios y si lo amaba hoy lo amo mas
Porque el puso a un angel que fue el testigo clabe para que
La polisia agarraran a los hombres y ya confesaron su crimen.
El que lo mato tiene 20 años
Se llama Sterling Samm y es residente de San Pablo
El de 14 años es de mi raza eso es lo que mas me duele
Ahunque no fue el el que disparo tambien es culpable
Agradesco a Dios a la polisia y a los testigos.
Si Jose tuvo que dar su vida para que los arrestaran
que paguen lo que hizieron porque hemos perdido un hijo un amigo un sobrino un tio
emos perdido parte de nuetro ser
y por eso yo les pido que se unan a nuestro dolor
y que anden con mucho cuidado y no anden solos.
Que Dios los cuide toda la vida y si desean ayudarnos para mandar su cuerpo a
Guatemala para que esos padres vean a su hijo por ultima ves.
Ya sabemos que es solo su cuerpo pero que madre no daria su vida para abrasar ese
pedazo de su Corazon.
Grasias a todos si desea ayudar con fondos en
Deje nota : Para Jose Matias
English follows
Poverty Hero- Jose Antulio Matias Aguilon
Por/BY : Ingrid Deleon
Sad, sad, sad, sad, sad, sad.
The 30th of October was the day that evil was sorrounded the barrio of the Mission.
After twelve pm Jose Antulio Matias Aguilon lost his life
And not by gods hands but by the hands of criminals that are dedicated to take away
the lives of those who are innocent and hard working just like Jose.
This happened on 20th and south VanNess.
We will never forget all the memories
Today he is no longer here
but he will live in our memory everyday
for the rest of our lives
I’ve always had faith in God and if I loved God before
I love god more now.
Because he put an angel that was a key witness in his crime
The police found the men and they confessed their crime.
The person that killed him is a 20 year old
His name is Sterling Sam and residents in San Pablo.
The one that is 14 years old is of my own race
And that hurts the most.
Although he was not the one that shot him, he is still guilty .
I am gratefull to God, the police and the witnesses for Jose had to sacrifice his life for
those to be punished
Because we have lost a son, a friend, a nephew, an uncle, we’ve lost part of our being.
That is why I ask for all to unite in our pain
And to be carefull and to not walk alone.
May God guide your life and if you wish to aid us in sending his body back to our
homeland, Guatemala, so that his parents can see their child for the last time
Even thought we know it is just a body.
But what Mother would not give their own life to hold that piece of their heart.
Thanks to All. If you wish to help in something Please donate to Jose Matias @ Leave note as Jose Matias Fund.
Translation by Vinia Castro.