(Image of Ruyata Akio McGlothlin and Joseph Bolden(seated) at the Poor Peoples District 5 Candidate forum sponsored by POOR Magazine and the San Francisco Bay View Newspaper)
I'm Joe, a po' strugglin' black man and this is my attempt at a voter guide- with a note- Alot of my African -American ancestors died fighting for my right to vote-so i think this is our duty!
This is a run through of most if not all the Propositions on our ballot from 30 to 40.
My Source: Official Voter Information Guide or Book of The
California General Election (and lil ole me!)
Prop. 30 Temporary taxes to find Education Guaranteed local Public Safety Funding
Initiative Constitutional Amendment.
Vote Yes: The state will increase personal taxes on high income tax payers for
seven years. The new tax revenues would be available to fund programs in the
state budget.
Vote No: The state would not increase personal income taxes or state taxes,
state spending reductions primarily to education programs, would take effect in
Prop. 31 State Budget. State and Local Government. Initiative Constitutional
Amendment and Statutes.
Vote Yes: Certain Fiscal responsibilities of the legislature and Governor, including
state and local budgeting oversite procedures, would change. Local governments
that creates plans to coordinate services would receive funding from the state and
could develope their own procedures for administering state programs.
Vote No: Badly flawed initiative that locks expensive and conflicting provision into the
constitution causing lawsuits, confusion, and cost. 31 threatens public health, the
environment, prevents future increases in funding for schools, and blocks tax cuts.
Teachers, Police, conservationists, tax reformers vote on Prop. 31.
Prop. 32 Political Contributions by Payroll Deduction. Contributions to Candidates,
Initiative Statue.
Vote Yes: Unions and Corporations cannot use money deducted from employees
paychecks for political purpose.
Vote No: Unions and Corporations keep taking from employee paychecks for
political purposes.
Prop. 34 Death Penalty, Initiative Statute.
Yes Vote: No offender could be sentenced to death under the law but re-sentenced
to life without the possibility of payroll.
No Vote: No change to offenders the Death Penalty stands.
Prop. 35 Human Trafficking, Penalties. Initiatives Statute.
Vote Yes: Longer prison sentences, larger finds for committing Human Trafficking
Vote No: Existing criminal penalties for human trafficking would stay in effect.
Prop. 36 Three Strikes Law. Repeat felony offenders. Penalties Initiative State.
Yes Vote: Means some criminal offenders with two prior or violent felony convictions
who commit certain non-serious, non-violent felonies would be sentenced to shorter
terms in state prison.
No Vote: Three Strikes Law stays as is with two strikes violent felony criminals
continue to serve longer or life sentences for third non-violent felonies no change in
three strikes law.
Prop. 37 Genetically Modified (Engineered) Foods, Labeling Initiative Statute.
Yes Vote: Means Genetically Engineered Foods sold in California would have to be
specifically labled as being genetically engineered.
No Vote: Means Genetically Engineered Food would not have specific labeling
Prop. 38 Tax to Fund Education and Early Childhood Programs. Initiative Statute.
Vote Yes: Personal income tax rates increase for 12 years. The Additional revenues
would be used for school, childcare, preschool, and state debt payments.
Vote No: Means State personal income tax rates would remain at their current levels.
Prop: 39 Tax Treatment For Multi State Businesse. Clean Energy And Efficiency Funding.
Initiative Statute.
Yes Vote: Means Multi State Businesses would no longer be able to choose the mothod
for determining their state taxable income that is most advantageous for them.
No Vote: Means Multi State Businesses continue choosing which method one or two to
determine their California taxable.
Prop: 40 Redistricting. State Senate Districts. Referendum.
Yes Vote: Means State Senate district boundaries certified by Citizen's Redistricting
Commission would be continued to be used.
No Vote: Means the California Supreme Court would appoint (special masters) to
determine new state senate district boundaries.