Operation Exterminate

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The different ways that poor peoples of color are "moved" out of The City

The city that sits on water almost all alone, except it is connected but not connected in so many ways. Once you cross the Bay Bridge or the infamous Golden Gate Bridge, which isn’t gold in color but reddish orange, or travel across by ship or ferry boat. Whether you travel by rail system, bus or car you enter into a whole different world that is connected yet not connected to the United States. 

This city is known all over the world as an attraction that is one big tourist Mecca, steeped in history a mysterious city it is and most intriguing, it seems to envelop you in, almost as if a spell is being cast over you to lure you in. It is one thing to visit but it's quite another thing to live here. It is a city that has it's own set of laws aside from those of the entire state and the country as well. I realize that with every city within a state have some laws that are different but not like SF. 

One of the things I like about this city is the transit operations it's like no other by far the best I've seen but there is so much about this city that I dislike like the fact that the city doesn't do much to encourage you stay but will go over and beyond to not only encourage you to leave but will bend over backwards to help you leave. The project has a name and it's been operating since the mid nineties but here recently have been really enforcing it, it is called OPERATION EXTERMINATE.

What is Operation Exterminate? It is a plan to rid the city of all African Americans, Mexicans, other peoples of color and what they consider poor white trash by any means necessary. If you have a house they encourage you to sell, if you own a business they make you an offer you can't refuse. If you are home/houseless they help you find someplace else to go whether it's the east bay, south bay, North Bay or anywhere but SF bay is fine by them. Who are the them's? The powers that be in the city, and the ones with serious money.

Yesterday I was on the bus and saw a sign posted in one of the neighborhoods that stated: WILL BUY YOUR HOUSE FOR CASH gave a number to call, that's what I mean by encouragement. I was on the train the other day and overheard a conversation between two women and a man and one of the ladies stated that the city offered her a quote on her house and she took it, the other lady was waiting on a quote for her house but the man took the cake, they wanted his house and business that had been in the family for over 30 years in the Bayview District, so with the offer they too took the deal and moved to Texas and though they are doing fine they were still encouraged to leave their native home.

Then there are people like me who have been homeless since coming to this city 14 months ago, the only thing that was offered to me and my family was a shelter bed and pretty much nothing else, but the minute I chose to leave the city I have been offered first and last months rent and security deposit anywhere in the United States of Amerikkka other than San Francisco. One place even offered to transport my furniture free of charge to myself and provide a ride for me and my family out of the city. Although I am happy to be leaving I don't get why you want to spend more to get rid of people than to just offer a way for everybody to stay. The question is what is really going on?
