The Hearts of Immigrants' Hurts/El Corazon De Los Inmigrantes' Duele

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las voces de inmigrantes de PNN lloran para Anastasio Hernandez-Rojas/Voices of immigrants in resistance @ PNN cries for Anastasio Hernandez-Rojas

Espanol sigue/ Scroll down for English

Duele el Corazon  de los inmigrantes.

Por amor a los hijos abese  perdemos la vida  por que ellos son todo para nosotros y no queremos que esten solos.

Por eso hay mucha jente que cuando an sido deportados intentan regresar a este pais por su famila pero em el intento muchas personas mueren ya sea por las pamdillas en el camino o por las ahutoridades que se sienten dueñas de la vida de otras personas  y que no tienen alma pues son demasiados malbado.

Yo siento el corason lo traigo en la garganta porque soy una mujer inmigrante y soy madre poreso . Me duele que que la migra  sea demasiada  odiosa hay acaben con la vida de gente trabajadora y padres de famila que solo estan crusando las fronteras para poder abrasar a sus hijos y pore so los matan y como nosotros no tenemos armas conque defendernos ellos nos matan como si nosotros los inmigrantes fueramos ratones .

En año  2010  a las 8 de la noche el dia viernes 28 de mayo en la garita  de San Isidro Tijuana.

Mas de 20 agentes de imigracion  y otros ofisiales

Golpearon a Anastasio Hernandez-Rojas  un mexicano padre de 5 hijos lamentable mente fallesio por una gran golpisa que le dieron los ofisiale de la migra apesar de tantos gritos y suplicas de el mejicano escomo si ellos estubieran sordos y unas personas que pasaban por alli grabaron unos videos para que la jente se de cueenta el odio rasial que tiene la migra a los inmigrantes.

Yo no se a cuanta jente an asesinano porque solo se laban las maos disiendo que las camaras no Serbian.

Alomejor es sierto y pore so se aprobechan de aser con la gente lo que se les da su regalada gana.

Lo que isieron con elseñor hernandes no se bale porque ya le abian amarrado las manos  lo tenian en el suelo tirado lo estaban golpeando mas de 20 asesinos  digo porque aunque no lo asepte la migra eso son porque lo tenian a el como los leones rodean a un benado cuando lo tienen atrapado todos se lamben la trompa saboriandose.Asi igual  se ben en el video los de lamigra esperando a que ora esta persona moria para selebrar  segun ellos su bictoria pero apesar de todo esto yo pienso que segun disen los testigos uno de ellos les iso senales y saco su pistola electica para acabar con el señor Hernandez y lo logro porque eso fue lo que rebelo la aptopcia que 2 descargas electricas probocaron la muerte de el señor Anastasio  dejando a su  esposa y sus hijos solos 

Por eso yo me siento como si fuera  un hijo de el.

Pues yo pase por ese dolor de perder ami padre cuando era una niña  de tan solo 10 años y apesar que el asesino de mi padre fue el canser me duele el Corazon

No quero ni pensar com se sienten los hijos de el ya que an pasado dos años pero cada dia que pasa se ve la ahusensa Deberdad que no tengo palabras para estas personas que probocaron su muerte solo les digo que Dios los perdone y que no encueten paz en sus corasones asta que se rindan al que es dueño de la vida y deberdad ya quiero que paren de aser esto con las personas inosentes ponganse la mano en la conciensia sies que tienen nosotros abeses benimos ullendo de nuestros paises y no es justo que nos maten.


Ingles Sigue/English Follows

Voices of immigrants cry for Anastasio Hernandez-Rojas

The hearts of immigrants hurts. For the love of our children we sometimes forget life because they are everything to us and we don't want them be alone. That's why there are a lot of people that when they are deported they plan to return to this country for their family, but in the intention a lot of individuals die from either gangs on the route or from the authorities that feel like masters of other’s lives and they don't seem to have souls. I feel my heart in my throat because I am an immigrant woman and that’s why I am a Mother. It hurts me that Immigration is very hateful that they end the lives of hardworking people and parents from a family that are only crossing the boarder to hug their children, and that’s why they kill them. Since we don’t have weapons to defend ourselves they kill us like we immigrants are rats.
In the year 2010 at 8 at a Friday night the 28th of May in San Isidro Tijuana more than 20 agents of immigration and other officials struck Anastacio Hernandez Rojas a Mexican father of 5 children and died from the blows that were given to his by Immigration officials. Even with all the screams and begging from the Mexican, the Immigration officials became deaf and some people who were passing by recorded some videos so that people would find out about the racist hatred that Immigration has for immigrants. I don't know how many people they have assassinated because they only wash their hands saying that the cameras didn’t work. Perhaps it is true and that's why they take advantage of people for whatever they want. What they did to Mr. Hernandez isn’t wasn’t fair because they had already tied his hands up and had him on the floor, and were hitting him. Immigration had him surrounded like a pack of lions surrounding a deer while it was caught in a deer trap.
In the video immigration looked as if they were waiting for this individual to die to celebrate their so called victory. Some witnesses say that some of them made signals and got out a taser to finish with Mr. Hernandez. They succeeded because that electric tasing was what led to the death of Mr. Anastasio. Leaving his wife and his children alone, that left me feeling like a child of his.
Well I passed through that pain from losing my father when I was a little girl of just 10 years old and the murderer of my father was cancer. My heart hurts. I don't even want to even think how his children feel like, now that two years have passed. Every day that passes by I don't have words for the people who caused his death. All I can tell them is for God to forgive them and they don’t find peace in their hearts until they give up their ways of  being masters of lives, and I really want them to stop from doing that to other innocent people. Put your hand on your conscience if you have one. We sometimes come from our countries crying and its not worth killing us.