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Las cosas que tenemos que pasar.
Todas las personas que no tenemos papeles
y no sabemos el idioma de este pais.
A la hora de estar en un hospital
en San Fransisco la policia dice que toda persona tiene derecho de ir al hospital y que puede pedir un interpetre.
Eso esta perfecto pero lo malo es que aveces la gente que habla español se pasa de amrgo con uno lo hacen de menos porque nos ven humildes. Piensan que estamos tontos,
digo esto porque un dia yo me sentia mal y fui a ver si me atendian en la clinica donde voy siempre cuando tengo sita. Pero esta ves no tenia cita y la resepsionista me dijo que me iban atender y que esperara un momento. Me fui a sentar , abian pasado aproximadamente veinte minutos cuando una de las enfermeras me atendio le dije las molestias que yo sentia y ella me respondio disiendo que lo lamentava que tenia que esperar un rato mas, como podia ser media hora o tres horas mas pero me ivan a atender. Despues de dos aburridas horas de espera ella me dijo “!hay Dios mio! Señora, se me olvido que estava aqui, espere un rato mas” dijo la enfermera asustada. Yo segui esperando por un rato mas porque el dolor era demasiado fuerte y tenia una bola en la rodilla. Tambien estava desesperada despues de cuarentaisinco minutos me llamo para desirme que no me podian atender, que regresara a las cuatro de la tarde. Y yo llege alli a las nueve de la mañana. Nunca me avian dicho eso yo llore y llore pues era mas fuerte el dolor. Le suplique que me atendieran despues de tantas horas de espera, me atendio una doctora, por lo menos lla me abia atendido
lo malo fue que me dijo que me hiba dar una receta y que regresaria para darmela
incredible mente pasaron 2 horas y nada sali del cuarto y pregunte que habia pasado y una enfermera me dijo “la doctora ya se fue, y no dijo nada, lo siento” dijo ella.
A la siguiente semana regrese por el dolor de mi rodilla y me dijeron en la emerjencia que quizas una araña me pico o cualquier otro animal, pero el caso es que ya tenia demaciada infeccion y como no agarre el nombre de la doctora ya no dije nada por eso me doy cuenta que los inmigrantes pasamos por muchas cosas. Por ejemplo lo que paso con los mas de 200 trabajadores un poco antes de la navidad del 2011, que fueron despedidos de sus trabajos solo por el simple echo de ser indocumentados y uno de ellos habia trabajado ahi mas de 14 años y no les importa nada. No se dan cuenta que estas personas son humanas como cualquier otra persona y viven estresados por esta situascion que la compañia Pacific Steel Casting fue que los corrio y lamentablemente este año mas de 2 mil empresas an llebado a cabo el prosesso de verificacion y estan dejando a muchisimos inmigrantes sin trabajo.
Nosotros no somos criminales sino estamos aqui trabajando dignamente y porque alo mejor estamos ullendo de la violencia en nuestro pais. Con trabajar, no le hacemos daño a nadie.
Engles Sigue
The things we must go through.
All us people without documents
And we don’t know thins countrys language.
When the hour comes that we are hospitalized
In San Francisaco they say that all people have a right to go to the hospital and request an interpreters
This is is perfect but the bad thing is sometimes the translators are more than bitter toward us and they treat you like less because we are humble. They think that we are dumb, I say this because one day I did not feel well and I went to see if they could treat me at the clinic where I always go in the days I have an appointment. This time I did not have an appointment and the receptionist told me they would see me to just wait a while. I went to sit down, twenty minutes passed when one of the nurses saw me waiting I told her about the pain I was having and her response was that she was sorry but I had to wait longer, it could be another half hour or three hours but they were going to see me. After two boring hour of waiting she says “ oh dear god! Mam, I forgot that you were here please wait another moment” said the worried nurse. I kept waiting there for another while because the pain was so strong I could not move and I had a clot on my knee. I was also stressed after waiting fourty five more minutes then she finally called me to tell me that they could not see me, to come back at four in the evening. I had arrived there at nine in the morning. They had never done this to me before, I cried and cried for the pain that was only getting stronger. I begged that they treat me after waiting so many hours, a doctor finally saw me, I was finally getting some care but the bad thing was that when she went out to get my prescription and said she would be back, incredibly two hours went by and nothing so I went out to find her I asked what had happened and one nurse responded, “ the doctor already left, and didn’t say anything, im sorry”.
The following week I returned for the pain in my knee and they told me at the Emergency that maybe I was bitten by a spider or another animal, but the fact is that already had too much infection and I did not get the name of the doctor so I said nothing,
This experience made me think about what happened to the more than 200 workers just before Christmas 2011, these workers were dismissed from their jobs only for the simple fact of being undocumented and one worker had worked there for over 14 years, they do not care about anything. They do not realize that these people are human like everyone else and we live in this stressful situation that the Pacific Steel Casting Company kicked them out unfortunately this year more than 2,000 companies have pulled through with the process of verification and are leaving many immigrants without jobs.
We are not criminals rather we are here to work with dignity or we are here because maybe we are leaving behind the violence of our homeland. While working we do not bring harm to anyone.