“If you Believe”
By: Jose H. Villarreal
From my view the world erupts, a myriad of smiles, wrapped in loving arms and a batch of pups.
From my view my emotions spike, jubilant cheers in childhood games, or reflections from a balmy spring day bouncing off the shiny rims on my brand new bike.
From my view my heart bursts forth, my first kiss shoots an electric charge through previously dormant corridors of my being, a mere smile from my newfound sweetheart erupts an orchestra in my heart as melodious as a troop of musicians on course.
From my view the world has awakened, relieved of the fetters producing a grainy existence and all the depth of reality thrust into my cognition, fruition bore through until my very essence has been shaken.
If you have felt the unpaved road whence came the lonesome traveler, bathe in the glow of appreciation that arises from one destined to never be cavalier.
If you have felt delighted in the birth of a child, you need not search for the beauty of opportunity nor look to the parasitic as mild.
If you have felt the shackle cold feeling of injustice, you will forever lock anomie in the anthill rather than the anteroom of the hospice.
If you have felt the solitude of reason, take pleasure in that you embolden idea’s which add to them season.
Also remember my laughter, the chorus of a million children or the bird filled trees of a city park now seems trapped in my subconscious rafter.
Also remember my gaze, the botanical gardens of reflection or deep pools of concentration penetrating to the heart of reality as through a cobweb maze.
Also remember my thoughts, grappling ideas of theoretical warfare in suspended animation midframe for the interpreter to drink in as cool libation.
Also remember my message, words binding us in formation, commingling thought in momentary verse leaping off pages and thrust into the realm of ideas like hot oil leaping from the pan in search of a cool surface, a place where beliefs dwell and thrive.
Editors Note: Jose is one of several power-FUL PNN Plantation prison correspondents involved in the Hunger Strike to end all solitary confinement and the in-human treatment of all of our incarcerated brothers and sisters.