A Clenched Fist Goes Out To You ALL!/PNN Hunger Striker Correspondent

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Editors Note: Jose is one of several power-FUL PNN Plantation prison correspondents involved in the Hunger Strike to end all solitary confinement and the in-human treatment of all of our incarcerated brothers and sisters.


A clenched fist goes out to you all!

I wanted to update the people about what is currently taking place to po’folks in these dungeons. We are on a hunger/work strike in California prisons which began here in  pelican bay shu. For those who don’t know, the shu is (security housing units) a place where the prison population is terrorized and stuffed into these windowless cells where we get no sunlight and no human contact, we are even forbidden to even say “hi” or even pass someone a magazine to read as the state has in its perverted way labeled this as gang activity.


Chicanos are the vast majority of the peoples targeted for shu, of the block I live in and 50 prisoners here 90% are Chicanos and the rest of the shu here mirrors this institutionalized oppression.


We Have tried to take other routes via mediation with the state and even via lawsuits to no avail, we are stripped of not only our civil rights but also of our human rights and we say no more to this!


We have identified the cause of our oppression on national oppression plain and simple. It is not about making money to criminalize huge swaths of Aztlan, New Afrikans on the first nations it is about national oppression! Prisons are used to control po’folks and the SHU’s are used to terrorize and neutralize po’folks who rebel within U.S prisons.We are snatched off the prisons general populations at the precise moment when we become conscious, we are then tagged and sent to be broken or brain washed into working for the state as informants. We refuse to be pawn’s for the capitalist controlled state and we resist the only way we can at this point in our torture and that is by depriving our bodies food in an attempt at stopping the torture, any way we can and shining the light on our oppression in the process.


Today is the third day in our hunger strike and we see ending our actions no time soon. Like the brave men in Guantanamo- who are also po’folks- we stand up to white supremacy even tho’ we are shackled head to foot bound with 500 years of chains and yet we rise above this oppression that has afflicted Po’ Brown, Black and red folks for so long and we say enough is enough, we will stop this madness any way we can!


Free The People!


La Lucha Sigue


Click here to read PNN Plantation Prison Correspondent Amari X & the list of demands

I am Hungry... 4 Justice ..PNN Plantation Prison Correspondent on Hunger Strike
