I am Hungry... 4 Justice ..PNN Plantation Prison Correspondent on Hunger Strike

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Editors Note: Amari X is a Plantation Prison Correspondent for POOR Magazine/Prensa POBRE. As currently and formerly incarcerated poor and indigenous peoples in struggle and resistance with all plantation systems in Amerikkka, POOR Magazine stands in solidarity with all hunger strikers demanding justice


I am Amari X. I am hungry for justice. I am in Pelican Bay and have been in the SHU multiple times. Each time it was because I was suspected to be a “gang member”.


These gangs are constructs of the US Military Industrial Complex and the Prison Industrial Complex. They mean nothing except to create dissension among all us inmates so we won’t rise up and take over the guards.


I am in this plantation due to poverty and racist, unjust courts. My crime was non-violent survival crimes.


I refuse to be railroaded into state-sponsored mind control. I hope you will support me and my fellow brothers who are on this hunger strike. We are all HUNGRY for justice. Please support us.



On Wednesday July 31st, people around the world will fast and take other action in solidarity with the California Prisoner Hunger Strikers. Join family members of hunger strikers along with James Cromwell, Angela Davis, Mike Farrell, Danny Glover, Elliott Gould, Chris Hedges, Alice Walker, and Cornel West. We fast knowing that the criminalization that killed Trayvon Martin, and the criminalization that justifies the torture of prisoners in solitary confinement are one and the same.

We fast in solidarity with the demands of the hunger strikers.  And we fast to get justice for Trayvon and for people of every gender, race and religion who have been killed by state and vigilante violence. Support efforts everywhere for Justice for Trayvon Martin.

 “We have taken up this hunger strike and work stoppage... not only to improve our own conditions but also an act of solidarity with all prisoners and oppressed people around the world.”   Hunger Strikers in the Short Corridor Collective at Pelican Bay State Prison SHU

Join us to help win the 5 demands of the California Prisoner Hunger Strikers:

1.    End Long-Term Solitary Confinement

2.    Abolish the Debriefing Policy, and Modify Gang Status Criteria

3.    End Group Punishment & Administrative Abuse

4.    Provide Adequate and Nutritious Food

5.    Expand and Provide Constructive Programming



On July 30th the families and loved ones of prisoners on hunger strike are visiting Sacramento to demand that Governor Brown pressure the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation to enter into negotiations with the hunger strikers.

Call California Governor Jerry Brown and ask him to meet the strikers’ demands: (916) 445-2841, (510) 289-0336, (510) 628-0202.

On Wednesday, July 31st There will be a lunch time rally in Oakland- Gather at 11am (Lunch time rally) Oscar Grant Plaza - 14th & Broadway in Downtown Oakland – 12th St. City Center BART


Sign onto the Hunger for Justice Fast & Day of Action




