Moving off the Killer Kkkourts for Trayvon

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Ending the dependency on wite-supremacist In-Justice

A challenge to all revolutionaries.


“We have to move off the white –supremacist court system,” said revolutionary writer, media producer and black Panther Kiilu Nyasha. Kiilu has made this assertion many times over the years and then recently in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman for the cold-blooded murder of Trayvon Martin.


As all conscious peoples know there really is no justice in the kkkolonizer created kkkourts, aka the same peoples who stole this land they call Amerikkka from indigenous peoples, African peoples from Africa and resources from billions of peoples all across Pachamama in the name of fake wars and false borders will never provide us with anything that resembles justice. But we still have to fight for crumbs because all us peoples are living here, trying to raise our children, and live our lives in the only way that has been presented to us even when it kills us. Or do we?


As conscious lawyers and organizers fight for the justice crumbs in a twisted system stacked against us po’ folks and peoples of color, it is also important for us to actively move off the lie of security set up by wite-supremacists who would like to see us all incarcerated or dead.


There are many other lies embedded in the death of Trayvon Martin-lies of safety and security constantly spoken about in Amerikkkan cities, lies that build gated communities and neighborhood watch programs, lies of wite-supremacy and people of color trying so hard to be white (Zimmerman) that they act more wite than the KKK themselves and lies already in place to protect the kkk wite-man in the kkkourts which deems the word justice a complete oxymoron.


But as we sort through our pain from this peychic, spiritual and actual murder of this young African sun and search for answers of what to do, I would like to challenge all revolutionaries, people-led, not institution led groups to follow in the footsteps of our poor people-led/indigenous people-led family at POOR Magazine and launch different forms of community accountability/justice. We call it Family council and its modeled after the ways of our indigenous ancestors.


First like our forefathers and foremothers in the Black Panther Party we have a No Po-Lice Engagement mandate in place, no matter what happens,  this is VERY hard to follow, especially because so many of us po’ folks are struggling with trauma, broken spirits, violence to ourselves and others, and deep poverty of the spirit.


But its what we do by any means necessary. And then when serious issues come up, which they do ALL the time, we convene a family council with at least two of our elders present and all persons involved in the issue until we achieve some kind of solution, no matter how long it takes.


Again, by no means is this a perfect process, and its rife with so many problems, but neither is our incessant and hypocritical reliance, engagement, involvement and dependence as African peoples/indigenous peoples/peoples of color and poor peoples on the systems that kill us, wite-supremacist ruled systems like Police, Neighborhood Watch, CPS, APS, etc


Other resistance efforts to the wite-mans kkkourts include restorative justice movements springing up around the nation as well asr community-led, no po'lice engagement movements like CUAV and Critical Resistance


And just like our sisters and brothers who have created people-led solutions to emergency medical services like The Peoples Community Medics, and people-led solutions to food sharing and direct service like the Kenny Harding Jr Foundation, our own communities can create their own systems of security and justice.


“We stood there, de-escalating the situation, not escalating like the skkkool Pigs were doing,” said Askari from the Black Riders Liberation Party, a black-led grassroots, revolutionary group based in Oakland described their recent people-led. Police free mediation they created in a potentially violent situation at Castelmont high School in Deep East Oakland. As young African warriors they are also clear about who and what to rely on for their own liberation.


At POOR we honor Black life, Brown life/indigenous and Poor life because we honor ourselves. We create our own media and people-led education. We know that our mamaz and daddies and uncles, grandmamaz, ancestors are our best teachers and we practice inter-dependence not the capitalist created cult of independence. Our Homefulness proect is modeled our work after landless peoples movements across Mama Earth, movements like the Zapatistas in Chiapas and the Shackdwellers Union in South Africa and MOVE 9 in the US.


But POOR Magazine’s  no Po’Lice engagement is just part and parcel of a poor and indigenous peoples-led liberation movement of education, media/art creation and self-determinaton because what we as oppressed peoples are very clear about is you can’t actually activate change if you are still dependent on the people and systems who make profit off of your poverty, oppression, incarceration and ongoing destruction.
