PNN-TV: Cooking Our Cultures- Youth SKolaz Summer 2013 pt#1

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Cooking Our Cultures 2013 is a a multi-generational, multi-cultural project led by youth & elders to decolonize their diets back to the food of their indigenous ancestors so they can help their families and communities move of the corporate poison and GMO's made so readily available to poor and indigenous communities across the US

Thanks to co-teachers, Youth & Elders poverty skolaz @ POOR Magazine, Sandra Estafan Marinette Tovar,  Iris, Chastity, Ajahbriella, Tiburcio, Vinia Castro, Muteado Silencio, Luta, Philip Standing Bear, Cheyenne, Alex, Humaya, Trew, Muh'Queenah, Zully,Solomon, and many more..
