DJ in New Zealand, Mahz Mokz, Reaching Out (Listen to his song, Chairmen,)

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Krip-Hop Nation, (KHN) – We just met over Facebook and you are from Auckland City, New Zealand. Tell us why did you reach out to Krip-Hop Nation and what do you do in your home town?

Mahz: Firstly I want to thank you and the KHN for this opportunity I didn’t expect this at all and pretty humbled to be interviewed by you and think what you and others do for KHN and disability community Worldwide is awesome.

There are people like us with disabilities all over the world who love music and hip hop and It’s great to see there’s a movement such as KHN to show that we still have an avenue for expression whether it’s through music, singing, dance, djing, graffiti, art, poetry, rapping, beat making etc.

So mad love to the whole KHN Worldwide!!!

My name is Mahia Mokaraka aka Mahz (pronounced like the planet mars) I am Maori who are the indigenous people of New Zealand (NZ) and a T8-T9 paraplegic resulting from a breakdancing injury in 2006.

As you said we met on Facebook. Last night I was reading through a few posts featured on the KHN Facebook page to keep up to play with what’s happening in the KHN community worldwide.

I saw the name Leroy Moore pop up a lot then realized you were the founder of KHN so thought “Why not message him to say hello and give props for what he’s doing”…not knowing that I would be interviewed as a result.

I’m currently in my final year of a counseling degree, when finished I plan to work with people and families living with disabilities especially S.C.I’s. I’m a student counselor at a local high school in south Auckland, a Dj; writer and a beat maker when that “flash of genius” moment hits me and been a hip hop head since a youngin.

KHN: You are a DJ and write rhymes. How is the music underground there in Auckland, New Zealand as an artist with a disability?

Mahz: I find “disability” quite a broad term which includes both the seen and unseen. I think it’s a hard to gauge especially if we start talking about artist’s who may have unseen disabilities. There may actually be a whole lot of artists in NZ that have an unseen disability that I don’t know about.

However I have a handful of mates, who are uses wheelchairs that rap, sing, play instruments, and beat makers, played in bands or learning to dj other than that it’s a quite scene. Maybe there are more around the country that I haven’t heard of, or up and coming artists keeping a low profile but I can say it’s definitely a quiet scene here in NZ.

KHN: Do you think mainstream and underground Hip-Hop is ready for artists with disabilities?

Mahz: I’d like to say yes that both would be ready to embrace artists with disabilities but I’m kind of swinging between both yes and no. I think the underground scene would embrace it more especially if the music and its content produced by artists with disabilities is relevant, real and people can identify with their message.

On the flipside I think if projects produced are marketable or tick all the boxes for mainstream, then I don’t see why mainstream won’t embrace it. I think mainstream is probably more ready now than it ever will be compared to 10-20yrs ago as I think the idea of gifted talented people with disabilities is continuing to be accepted and awe inspiring nowadays…well that’s how I see it.

KHN: Give us your best lyrics dealing with justice

Mahz: Haha! you put me on the spot here i haven’t written anything specifically on the topic in the past so I’ll just throw something together. Here we go:


Justice, why must it be, we always gotta fight? Just…
To persuade mind frames, they lines need slight adjusting…
Unjust ways of mankind, plenty I don’t trust in
If my mind was a sign? Mad cuss’n sure describes em
Sometimes, something’s cloud man’s enlightenment
Darkness clouds the soul, price paid for injustice!
Imagine one day life lived without injustice?
See the world through gods eyes, imagine? Just, if?...
Justice prevailed, in God we all trusted
Lives lived righteous, God like intelligence
Gender, color, race, acquired no relevance
Blessedness replaced all disabled judgments
Our opinions, always filtered through positive lenses
“What’s the expense on life without injustice?
Yet, we lay our lives down to get a taste of justice. I think it’s more a poetic piece ☺

KHN: How does the media report on disability issues there in New Zealand?

Mahz: Besides the normal media outlets such as general TV, newspapers, internet and even Facebook etc. we have a TV program called “Attitude” which screens once a week across NZ solely run by people with disabilities for people with disabilities and they are very active in raising awareness. I think they do a great job it’s balanced in its approach, celebrating successes and raising awareness of issues faced by people with disabilities in our country.

KHN: As you know Krip-Hop Nation is international what do you see the future of Krip-Hop in your country?

Mahz: Right now I see a whole pool of potential for Krip-hop in NZ, by nature we are a country that loves music and naturally gifted musically & in the performing arts. So there is huge potential for growth, development and exposure for artists with disabilities here.

During the process of doing this interview I’ve realized that maybe it’s time that something needs to be done here in NZ to search, gather and develop the talent that lies dormant. I know there’s talent out there somewhere who are likely more talented than I am, it’s a matter of finding them and getting them exposed to NZ and the world.

KHN: How can people hear your music?

Mahz: To be honest I’m very critical of what I put out regarding music I have done. I don’t have anything online as such right now I have a few projects: tracks and beats stored away but i get shy putting them out coz I’m so critical. However I will be working on something shortly for KHN that I’ll post up on soundcloud or facebook

From time to time I upload my mixes on to soundcloud/facebook

KHN: Any last words?

Mahz- As I said earlier it’s been a privilege to be interviewed by you, I was blown away that you wanted to interview me. It’s been great this has inspired me to seek other talent in my city/country to encourage them to develop themselves in the areas of music and performing arts.

I’m glad to know there are people across the world such as KHN, who shares the same views and passion about music. Although we may live with conditions that can be limiting physically and/or mentally…that doesn’t hinder the love we have for music and hip-hop!

I hope that this movement grows and that it reaches to all the four corners of the globe and who knows one day, there might be opportunity to work with other artists with disabilities across the globe…that’ll be dope

Finally props to KHN, keep up the good work and all that you do! Somewhere, somehow, someone with a disability will find out about you that will spark a passion within and cause them to pursue whatever they are passionate about, because I know that’s what it’s done for me!

Mahz signing off all the way from Auckland City, New Zealand

One Love!
