Original Author
Phillip Standing Bear
Original Body

The Black Riders Liberation Party (BRLP) started in 1996 in a YTS gang prison in Los Angeles when the bloods, crips and other members of street tribes who were incarcerated began to take college courses and forming their spiritual bond of unity. While locked up, those who took part of this revolutionary transition made a vow to work hard towards correcting the destruction that the men have inflicted upon their communities.

We at poor magazine embraced and welcomed our revolutionary brother who stopped by to enlighten fellow comrades on the origin of the Black Riders Liberation Party. At poor we believe in the ideal of collaborating with other souljahz in the struggle because it brings us all together, connecting the dots and ridding ourselves of the “crabs in a barrel” and the “my organization is better than yours” stigma that keeps many of us separated and defeated before we even progress. Bay Area native Shango is the founder of the Black Riders Liberation Party of northern California.

Having learned that the blood and crip gangs spawned from the infiltration of cointelpro to destroy community souljahs such as the Black Panther Party for self-defense, Shango  resided in Los Angeles for a year to learn more about the BRLP and it’s ideaology and principles. Shango also was a student at Humboldt State, and went on to be a representative of the commemoration committee for the Black Panther Party for self-defense in Berkeley, Ca and covered the Oscar Grant trial. While in LA, Shango met up with folks who knew members of the BRLP, and eventually connected with T.A.C.O, the general of the Black Riders (LA), and began building with the organization. He also began working with the Chico justice center and other advocacy groups while living in Watts and in South Central. Shango then took the skolarship he had learned in LA and collaborated with a group of activists involved in the movement and started a BRLP chapter here in the bay area here in 2010 in West Oakland.

It was here that Shango, along with other comrades began to follow in the footsteps of the foremothers and forefathers of the Black Panther Party by having consistent programs such as “feed the people” and the “watch a pig” program where the conduct of the police were being monitored. These programs even began to capture the imaginations of those who participated in  “illegitimate capitalism” and other activities that contributed to the destruction of our communities. The Black Riders Liberation Party also have a awesome newspaper circulating that talks about what is going on in the community and enlightens readers on issues such as po’lice brutality, forums on education and health, feed the people programs and the black commune program. For more information on how you can support the BRLP you can send a email to
