The Global Climate Strike that was Already Happening-From Mauna Kea to Kashmir

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POOR Magazine /Deecolonize Academy/ Homefulness youth & family poverty Skolaz will be at the Global Climate Strike in San Francisco  -but it must be said that 1st Nations ,Moana Nui, Pacific Islander Scholars,unhoused peoples all being impacted 1st &worst by Mama earth destruction & CorpRape violence have been fighting ,praying,marching,crying,Standing Up,speaking out for Mama earth &about this violence since before Gregorian /Kolonizer calendars -or people woke up.  


As well that as pan indigenous/landless peoples it is never jus our youth holding this burden or speaking our stories ,but we are Always an inter-generational,multi-nationed movement of elders & mamaz & Uncles & babies &youth walking,speaking enacting together so as we march in this day “led” by these young folks -Pls overstand this is not new but just another iteration of what has been happening & we as landless homeless indigenous peoples are in it forever like we always have been. From the Standing Rock to Mauna Kea- From Kashmir to BlackArthur from West Oakland to West Papua… we are here - we have always been here….