Iris Canada- 100 year old elder who died, like many other elders across the US, from the violence of eviction and the virus called Krapitalism
(Click here to Hear the podcast of this story)
I was born into a deadly Virus
No it wasn’t in the time of MERS, Ebola or Osiris -
It was a disease that kills- that kolonizers pretends won’t make you get ill -
They hope you reach for more of their deadly poison like alcohol and pills
It causes chills
yu feel so Cold so bad u cant ever get well
And the worse part is for my life-time and yours
There is no vaccine or wite-science cure
Yea whats ills me- what has made so many of my fellow po mamas & grammas like Iris Canada and Elaine Turner fataly sick
Is the murderous disease of greed, wealth-hoarding and krapitalists
Yes im talking bout the Virus that sucks
The blood and life out of all of us
That rips us from our natural ways of interdependence
patience -ancestors & ancient life-ways
That puts a price on mama earth
Our Mamas love, interdependence and our spirits and cultures known since birth
Im talking about the most successful virus this 21st century has ever been lied to
Im talking about survival of the fittest-
You can’t make enough money to survive or pay rent- too bad-
violence called called Krapitalism
Has a jail cell, shelter bed or cardboard box for your houseless mama or dad
The symptoms, the collateral damage, the intent
are murderous and violent,
Called exploitation, false borders, scarcity, diplsacment, incarceration, poLice terror eviction and homelessness,poverty
the profit -makers wait for us to fail so they can scoop us up, kick us out of our homes, our hoods, our love wit their evil blood-stained dollars trails
Hahaha haha, the bankkksters, real estate speculators & devil-opers lie in wait laughing while they inject us wit their poison greed and hate- So CONfusing we think hoarding means we
got it made …...
Todays podcast from a poverty skola is dedicated to all my fellow sufferers of the other killer virus called krapitlism & its most deadly symptom called poverty
Yes I was born into this virus- to a colonized destroyed mama - who could barely raise me -so destroyed by the symptoms required to keep it going - so to-up from a life-time of abuse , exploitation and violent poverty. She could barely be my mama. She could barely keep up wit the endless colonial drama
I wake up everyday now as the streets get quieter and the people become more scared oddly calm- there is nothing different for me because of something called Covid19 ? Just try to live thru 22 evictions - endless poLice harassment, homelessness and poverty.
The terror in peoples eyes - for me has already become normalized. Try worrying every single day if you are going to have anough food, access to running and/or clean water, whether your blankets are going to be wet, whether you will ever get warm, whether you will ever be anything close to safe.
Im not saying these things to make people feel guilty or strange im only trying to note that for the first time , maybe ever in most peoples lives you get to know what it feels like to be a veteran in the ongoing violent war on the POOR. To suffer from the other deadly disease called Capitalism and its symptoms of anxiety, hunger, depression and scarcity
There was not a day that I woke up not scared, tense or freezing when me and mama lived outside and even then when we would temporarily move inside- motel rooms, apartments we couldn’t sustain and our cars that had no current registration so unsafe lives would always be right around the corner. Then later as an adult houseless again with my sun -and now elder mama, evicted over a rent increase, once again terrified of would my sun be safe, would my mama be safe would she get sicker, would we get access to food, diapers, enough money to rent a motel , to fix the car, to dry our blankets, clean our clothese and on and on. Every single Fuking day, we were scared whether we would have access to basic necessities like food and toilet paper. Every single day we were worried or terrified about an unseen ,unknown aspect of poverty that would creep up on us. This virus
And actually what is exciting to me is that in this “Viruscrisis” we are seeing massive moves made against the real virus of capitalism and its multiple symptoms of wealth-hoarding, criminalization, incarceration and evictions.
Moratoriums on eviction and other powerFULL moves to liberation
Every day in this time I wake up to see more cities putting moratoriums on evictions and foreclosures. Commuities taking back homes and reversing inhuman poltrickster decisions, interfering in the the evil processes of buying and selling mama Earth which is an absolute sickness and always hurts.
Evictions kill elders and permanently destabilize children - it is why POOR Magazine poverty skolaz who have lived through this ongoing disease called krapitalism proved eviction was elder and Child Abuse in 2014. Eviction for the first time in this stolen land herstory is being seen as the violent act of inhumanity that it is, fueled by peoples fear of more contagious humans in public, real moves are being made to prevent more poor and low-wage people who can barely afford to keep up the lie called rent.
Judges ruling to block more scarcity moves against our crumbs.
And while the violent Krapitalist in the Wite Peoples house is actually tryin to make it harder for us poor folks to get our little scarcity model crumbs of food stamps-by making work restrictions harder which would leave literally 700,000 families unable to get EBT- a judge blocked this insane anti-poor people ruling .
As well we are seeing the demand of the end of sweeps of our unhoused bodies, and towing of the cars we live in by advocates and some cities are listening. As well, the beautiful companar@s from LA , following in the footsteps of Moms4Housing, who just took over an intentionally hoarded house in LA and who are demanding all hoarded and vacant homes “owned” by Caltrans to be given back to the people who need them most, houseless families and elders.
There are actual calls for no-copays for health care, and implementation of real healing care for all. Paid sick leave demanded and in some cases paid over these mass epidemics.These are moves that get at the real illnesses of scarcity and poverty.
RoofLESS radio which meets every week across the Bay in Encampments
Interdependence Demanded.
And then we have the extremely simple idea of people helping each other. Inter-dependence- a direct challenge to the cult of independence shoved down our throats in krapitalism from day one so we can all be good CONsumers and live separately and consume more than we would ever need if we were living with families and/or in community like we do at Homefulness, collaborating, sharing and acting inter-dependenly It is funny to me as conscious people call and implement something they call “mutual aid” as a 6th grade drop-out poverty skola- Ive never even heard that term. Not sure what it was when I first heard it - but then I realized it was just intedependence
Something us poor, houseless and formerly houseless land liberators at Homefulness already practice and have practiced since our inception. Revolutionary Love work we call it - taking care of what needs to be done for each other, not a strategic plan or a grant guideline, just a knowledge shared among us po folks that if we don’t take care of each other some of us won’t make it.
“Go ahead and knock on peoples doors, ask how they are, if they need something,”.. Said by Middle class media reporter on the radio
And lest you think the virus called Krapitalism only impacts us poor people - oh no its got us all disturbed, the fact that the simplest of care-giving moves has to be taught back to people. The simple idea of checking on elders and folks who live next door to you, as an act only inspired by the Covid19 virus - means we are all so sick with the virus called krapitalsm.
Its why we poor, homeless, disabled and indigenous people at POOR magazine have a two day seminar called the DeGentriFUKation/deColonization Seminar at PeopleSkool which we teach to folks with different forms of race and class privilege. People, like everyone here, who have been moved away from their basic humanity by krapitalism and need to be brought back to our shared humanity as peoples.
Graduates from the seminars have formed our solidarity family at POOR Magazine and support POOR’s Poverty Scholarship teachings of radical redistribution such as the Sliding Scale Cafe, RoofLESS radio and the Po Mamas Reparations Fund and the Bank of ComeUnity Reparations - helping to redistribute their stolen and hoarded wealth to scores of poor families in ideas rooted in interdependence.
And then in this “epidemic” we are suddenly made aware of not only the victims of krapitalism - ie separated and left elders who aren’t able to get out - but the ableistic ways this Darwinian society moves. Even having to consider this societies natural tendencies to ableism, being called out for things people did without thinking of them as ableist. HAving to overstand and understand that all people aren’t able to move the same way and having to make accommodations for folks they never had to think about.
I in no way am making light of this terrifying virus, that has killed people and caused increased anxiety in millions. I am only noting that perhaps this virus is causing us to look at another more deadly virus, the ongoing virus that won’t end with a vaccine, or an increase in hydration or washed hands.
In the end, sadly the Covid19 virus will scare and terrify the folks who have lived comfortably with the violent killer called Krapitalism for too long, and so like poverty and colonial trauma, this moment will have a different kind of Post-traumatic Stress Disorder. The fascists will become more fascist and the hoarders will hoard more and the haters will hate more, and although there will be a magical “cure” aka Big Pharma created Vaccine which everyone will happily welcome in, there is no cure for the virus called Krapitalism, except moving differently, understanding the violence of eviction, extraction, hoarding and accumulation, and so my only hope is that for the first time in the lives of un-conscious krapitalists, because they have had to move in a not so self-centered, greed-filled way, that they have learned that there can be a different way to move on Mama Earth
Join POOR Magazine/United Front Against Displacement & Self-Help Hunger Program as we continue radical redistribution with unhoused and poor folks in encampments and poor people housing