Unfair Fare Evasion

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On September 25, 2014, I was stopped by the San Francisco Police and given a ticket for fare evasion.

I and another gentlemen of African descent were stopped for this alleged offense while hipsters and yuppies enjoyed their privilege of not being cited by police presumably because it was assumed that they were going to work and therefore “contributing” to society.

Less than an hour earlier I received a transfer from the previous bus I caught that morning but apparently lost it.

Co-editor of Poor Magazine and fellow poverty skola/writer Lisa Tiny Gray-Garcia has also been stopped for this alleged offense in the past and was told by the police in that incident that “the only reason we started enforcing this activity is Mayor Ed Lee wants to cut down on fare evasion.” I was riding the bus that morning on my way to SFGH because I am diabetic and apparently had an infection in one of my toes.

Obviously the seriousness of that situation outweighed where I put my transfer in the mad scramble for a seat on a crowded bus. My personal safety is important to me, and the prospect of saving a toe and ultimately my foot and leg!

When the bus stopped at Market and Fifth Street SFPD began to board. I had my headphones on and did not hear what they had to say, but my concern for my health was great enough that I decided it was best to get off and continue on the next bus.
As I got off, there was another officer who stopped me and asked if I had my transfer. I checked and realized it was not in any of my pockets. She asked where I was going. I told her SFGH.

She did not enquire as to whether I was experiencing a medical emergency and if she could assist me somehow, but instead asked for my ID and address. I complied.

When her partner was done with the other African descended person, he asked me “Why didn't you want to pay your fare?” To which I replied I had a transfer but apparently I lost it.

He replied “You're the fifth person who told us that this morning.”

I had to continue, injury and all, on foot to SFGH, where it was confirmed that I did indeed have an infection.
