Last week while running errands in the Market Street area I noticed at 77 Van Ness, international symbols for restrooms and a sign that stated it was an ”Open Space” and open to the public, so I went in and used the restroom, having to use the elevator to the second floor to do so.
The next day again while running errands I again went in to use the restroom and was halted by the greeter who told me “The restroom is not working today. I had to call the plumber.”
Of course this is the usual “open to the public unless they look like you” excuse.
Having been through this hundreds of times, I didn't want any trouble so I left and relieved myself elsewhere.
But I immediately went back and asked the greeter's name. He told me but I will not disclose it.
I asked him if he had a last name and he immediately told me, “I'm the only one here with that name.”
Its amazing how co-operative people get when they realize you have some sense and aren't afraid of using it!
He has been friendly and co-operative ever since !
Speaking of facilities open to the public, a new service open to people who want showers but aren't able to take them where they dwell, Lava Mae mobile showers are free and open to the public. Their times and locations are as follows:
Tuesdays 12-6pm Mother Brown's in the Bayview.
Friday 9:30 am to 12 pm Ywam [across from Glide] in the Tenderloin
Saturday 7am-12pm Mission Neighborhood Resource Center in the Mission