PNN-TV; Houseless Mamaz Demand Housing For Mothers Day

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(image of an eviction notice posted on now houseless single mama Sabrina Carter's door, evicted from privatized public housing in San Francisco)

San Francisco – Homeless mothers and their supporters visit the office of Mayor Ed Lee to tell him that the way to honor Mother’s Day this year is to give ‘em a home.
San Francisco is at a critical juncture, where financial pressures are pushing low-income and impoverished San Franciscans out of their homes and communities. At the same time when rents have risen dramatically, income loss and real estate speculators are putting even more at risk.  Homelessness is at a crisis level, families are waiting for more then 6 months just to get a bed for their children to sleep.  SFUSD reports that over 2,200 of their students are homeless and this number does not include the children aged 0 5 who are not public school students yet.

We are calling on San Francisco to take swift action to both prevent further displacement of San Franciscans by investing ineviction prevention, while reapidly re-husing up to 700 househilds through fixing up vacant public housing units and subsdizing households in private and non-profit housing.  These intitiaves are exactly what SF needs right now.  According to Julia DAntonio of the SRO Families United Collaborative. 


The Coalition on Homelessness, along with the Emergency Services Providers Association is putting forward four proposals, one to fund homeless prevention  which would stave off displacement for 2,700 households.  The other three are to fix up vacant public housing units and move homeless families into them, expand current private market housing subsidy and lastly, subsidize households in turn-over non-profit affordable housing units so that homeless households can afford to move in.

