Death of the Cool

Original Author
Original Body







Cool don’t live here
No more

Cool left like
Yesterday’s headline

Cool left like yesterday’s model,
Like the B-side of a record that
Never got played

Cool came and went
And in the breeze of
Coolness the cool

Cool used to show up
In the morning and
Stay a while

Now the morning don’t
Even show its face
And cool doesn’t either

Cool was in the empty
Breezes between words
when nods and the span
of an arched eyebrow filled
in what connected us

cool would show up
with a spare key
when you were locked out

cool don’t live
here no more

cool said good morning

cool shook your
hand, a coming together
of finger/palm prints
that told our story in
the unsaid cool that
you only had to feel

cool don’t live
here no more

cool done packed
up, took a hike,
packed up and said it
was time to leave it

Cool took the
A through Z train
Out of here, one
Straight shot

Rest in

© 2014 Tony Robles
