On December 2, 2015 a young 26 year old African American named Mario Woods was shot dead by police in the Bay view district. It was a tragic day for the young man's family and community, but one thing I want to let you readers know is that this has been happening non stop all over the world.
A couple of days later approximately 100 people gathered on Gilman st where the killing took place at and we made an altar dedicated to Mario Woods. It was really unnecessary for 8 to 10 cops to fire 15 to 20 shots at Mario Woods. They could've made a different decision so Mario woods could be with his family.
A week after Mario Woods passed away there was a walk out in San Francisco by students of June Jordon High School. Deecolonize Academy was invited. When we arrived at 16thand mission in front of the Bart station there were young men and women there who were wearing backpacks and talking. There were approximately 80 people at first, then the other high school students arrived. It was a windy day. Then people start talking in front of the crowd. There were posters and organizers talking. A few of my classmates went up and told their opinion about how they felt about what happened.
After we started marching there were lots of cops waiting for us to start marching so they could see the truth and understand what they have done. We marched all the way to San Francisco City Hall. It was terrifying seeing all these cops trying to police us at the end of the protest. It was approximately 400 people when we left.
How I feel about this is that the cops who kill our black and brown people get away with it just because they are wearing a badge and the people's families who lost their children have to suffer and deal with that all of their lives while the cop killers are living their lives.