Editors Note: Voodoo is one of several power-FUL
"Young Folks, I'm speaking from the Belly of the Beast. I did 14 years in solitary confinement, hell and isolation. Not only ostracized from the G.P., general population of prisoners behind enemy lines but I'm ostracized from society itself and all my grassroots writing is under the watch eyes of the boogey man agents. The boogey man system of capitalistic greed and imperialism is real and we the people's on the bottom of this well organized, criminal, pyramid structure system must know and understand we are dealing with a monster I call boogey man. People's power and power to the peoples is a reality we must create or we ass out. Because, no matter what color you are, damn near everybody selling their souls for a jelly roll to survive. Example, you have so called slave negrows enforcing the racist laws of this racist system to warehouse black man and the poor population. Check out that fool slave negrow Clarance Uncle Tom Tomas who now sit on the united snakes supreme court. That negrow slave ain't my brother and good to the struggling poor masses. I'm an Afrikan soul brother and I don't give a damn what color you are it's what you stand for the makes us kinfolks to give power to the peoples. Draconian, bias, racist laws is passed every year to warehouse the poor population, and the one's who's enforcing these bias laws have a green light to kill us or incarcerate us with impunity because it's the poor on the bottom that's being gundown and terrorized by these agent criminal thugs of all colors. The pigs and the court system are hired guns to enforce the boogey man rule, to keep us in check to start a revolution. The boogey man system don't give a damn if you Black or white, Asian or Latin, radical, green peace activist etc. Because these agents will kill yo ass or put you behind bars if one continues to go against the grain, and believe me, they do not give a damn if you young or old. Read the book "Agents of Oppression", that terrorist J. Edgar Hoover spied and used CO-INTELPRO counter intelligence program as a tool to crush the grass roots liberation struggles of the 60's. And what that boogey man created under CO-IINTELPRO is still being used today to spy on you young folks because you grass roots conscious. Yes this boogey man is spying on you all now as we write and speak to each other. And please don't get it twisted, this beast boogey man is watching you all and got you under the gun now. Truth be told we the masses on the bottom have nothing to lose anyway but your chains, and you wouldn't believe how evil these draconian courts is persecuting the poor population. California is the worst in the nation. Capitalism and greed is like Dracula. It's designed to suck the blood and drain the resources out of everything. This boogey man monster system use and buy other countries and peoples like slaves. So it's hard to fight the beast, but we have no choice but to organize, unify, struggle and fight the good fight. I'd rather stand and fight with the peoples and die before I side up with this boogey man. Young folks don't sell yo soul for a jelly roll, because it's a good feeling when you no know you on the side of the righteous and yo heart will be at peace. I've been down for 22 years and my heart at peace because I'm writing to inspire yo spirit to struggle and bring into existence peoples power to determine our own destiny. Peace. Harmony. Unity. Love. Balance. Mathematics."
Dr. Voodoo, Author of the upcoming Book "The Boogey Man", is the medicine man of universal knowledge, leading grassroots consciousness to see this Beast-Boogey -Man-System for what it is: against the people's struggle.
Voodoo S/N Keller John #H-52472
P.O. Box 290066, B-5-115
Represa, CA. 95671