Sister Shares Story About Police Profiling & Beating of Her Autistic Brother

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Leroy Moore:  Today Im interviewing Neenah Gemini Caldwell of Minn who is the sister of Abrams who is a Black teen with a visual impairment and autistic.  Tell us about your brother and family first then we will get into what happened on Monday Aug 31/15..


Neenah Gemini Caldwell: My brother is just like any other teen except he just need an extra push. He is very outgoing , loves video games, his family and especially his nephew. 



Leroy  Moore:  Im also Black and have a physical disability and has been profiled by cops also.  Reading on what happened to your brother it looks like he was profiled by police at first that led to another situation.  Can you tell us what happened to your brother on that day?


Neenah Gemini Caldwell: Really can't speak on much but he was stopped I guess because he was playing on trks and because he didn't have an identification that's when things went downhill. 



Leroy Moore:  Ive heard over and over from advocates that police need more training.  Do you think that what happened to your brother goes deeper than training if so what do you want to see come out of this?



Neenah Gemini Caldwell: I want the police who did this to my brother badges removed. They could have went different routes to resolve this matter. 


Leroy Moore:  This has been a third case that I know of of Black disabled teen that have been abused by cops that lead to having seizures.  Beyond training what can the community request like some kind of doctor/nurses when police are called or something?


Neenah Gemini Caldwell: They can get actual physically training with handling Disabled adults. If they had the proper raining once again none of this would've occurred. Why couldn't they simply just asked his two friends questions.?



Leroy Moore:  Have you gotten support from the disabilityBlack community and police brutality activists/groups?



Neenah Gemini Caldwell: Yes , my family and I thank everyone for there support. 




Leroy Moore:  In one article, Maria Caldwell, Marcusmother was quoted Autism is not a crime!Do you think it is up to our, Black & disabled  communities to not only focus how the police can change but how pour communities and movements need to change and support the work of Black disabled activistswork on police brutality and other issues?


Neenah Gemini Caldwell: I feel that police officers just need to understand not everyone is perfect. There are people out here that has disabilities that can't do everything the normal person does. They need an extra boost. 


Leroy Moore:  Do you think that there needs to be more programs for Black disabled youth and teens like mentor programs so they can see themselves, their culture i.e. Black & disability culture in the community?  Do you think that would help the hush hush around disability and build a sense of pride in Black disabled youth and young adults?


Neenah Gemini Caldwell: Yes , I feel they should have more activities for the disabled to do. 



Leroy Moore:  How are his two friends who were with him holding up after what happened?



Neenah Gemini Caldwell:   His two friends are still kinda debased about the situation. They sticked by my brother side through this hard time. 




Leroy Moore:  After all of this, what do you see as justice for your brother and for other Black disabled young adults?



Neenah Gemini Caldwell: I just want things like this to stop happening not only to my brother but everyone. They should be no reason that a police officer should brutally attack anyone.




Leroy Moore:  Have you gotten support from Black Lives Matter and other police brutality groups?  If so do you think they would benefit from disability training or more Black disability activists?



Neenah Gemini Caldwell: Yes, I think they would benefit from both. If we had more disability training then we can have others out here helping and directing to the things thats necessary. 



Leroy Moore:  How can other activists help to get justice for your brother?


Neenah Gemini Caldwell: Just continue doing what they have been which is reaching out to us , sharing the picture and connecting us to people. 




Leroy Moore:  Anymore that you like to add?



Neenah Gemini Caldwell: I want to thank each and every person who's been in boxing , calling , and texting us. 



Leroy Moore: How can the public stay in contract with you and your brother?


Neenah Gemini Caldwell: Facebook or email.
