The Beast on Bryant st. : An interview with Francisco Herrrera

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The Beast on Bryant luxury development comes before the Planning Commission on September 10. It was submitted by the Nick Podell real estate company in 2013 and will demolish 246 houses in the Bryant st neighborhood.


There was a hearing for the Beast on Bryant (the bryant st project) and the Planning commision approved it. Developer Nick Podell cut a deal with the operators of InnerMission a community art institution.


Another plan that the planning commission wants to approve that is not very different from the Beast on Bryant is the Monster in the Mission. With both of the projects on their plate the planning commision must be kind of overwhelmed.


I am here to support the passing of the legeslation called No Eviction 2.0” said Francisco Herrera, a revolutionary man who is running for mayor in San Francisco. He talked about the Beast on Bryant a development that will destroy the Bryant S.t neighborhood.


There are at least 27 families that live off of that block” Francisco said frowning. Many people depend on the Bryant block because that is where they live, own shop and their children go to school there.


A group of investors got a community center in the bryant area and are trying to destroy it” Francisco said with a sense of finality. And we all realize that unless we are able to fight back everything else will be destroyed too.


Editors Note- Deecolonize Academy's Revolutionary Youth Media Education(RYME) class and POOR Magazine family re-ported and sup-ported on the huge rally called The City Takes City Hall on September 10th.. As low-income students of color these issues impact all of our children and their families so not only are they learning multi-media, writing and journalism, they are also learning how to resist the endless attack on their communities.

