
Original Author
Original Body

April 28, 2015

Numeral: 400

As in 400

Parts per million

Carbon dioxide
We release
Into the atmosphere,
Among other gases.
Warning signs in the sky
We still ignore.
We can't take
The heat
Rising below the clouds.

But still we burn
Coal and petrol
And still we burn
Carbon dioxide
And still we release
Clouds of exhaust while driving cars
And still there's
No more ozone layer
And still the sun
Feels much hotter than usual
And still arctic
Glaciers melt
And still there's
Floods happening
And still there's
Droughts in some places
And still there's
Crazy weather, on the real
And still there's
Almost no more polar bears
And still there's
Chainsaw reversal of nature
Forests into deserts
And still there's
Oceans turning acidic
And still there's
People who believe this is false
And still we ignore
The everyday changes
The worst kind
In Pachamama
And still we believe
None of this is our fault-----

Mors voluntaria totius terrae*----

Numeral: 400

As in 400

Parts per million

Carbon dioxide
In the atmosphere.

350 parts per million
Would be better. 260----desirable.
W: 3.13.15

*LATIN: "Suicide of the entire earth."
