The Point

Original Author
Original Body

January 27, 2015

I stand on the point overlooking baby Baghdad.
As I gaze across the waters of the bay…
I’m mesmerized captivated by the bay’s view…
An iconic landmark a rare diamond in the rough….
I’m intrigued by its panoramic view.
The point is well known for its famous history rich culture and renown sights….
So what’s the Point?
Notorious for its reputation ….
Hard hitters and grave diggers….
Occupy these concrete huts….
Then we have our wild flowers raised in stone flower pots….
The sundial looks over us casting shadows of the sun remaindering us what time it really is…
Captured by the hunter and blinded by its view….
Eyes wide open and still can’t see in front of you…
Street corners and sidewalks covered like painted canvases….
Dots periods form images making the picture complete…
So what’s the Point…?
We survive deadly elements on a daily basis.
Yet, we continue to beat the odds that are critical to our existence…
Our environment grows more and more hostile but we endure.
Redevelopment and Gentrification threats are on the rise…
Leaving us no choice but to submit to the times….
Fears of displacement or maybe de-location….
No matter how you look at the situation…
The numbers of blacks has decrease in population…
So what’s the Point?

A treasure chest tucked by the bay….
A ghetto reality soon to fade away….
Known for its landmarks and breath taking views…
We’re more than a sight.
We’re the Hunter’s Point/ Bayview…
Transformation has been applied influenced by capital and political demise.
You better recognize!

A written agenda set in motion for Hunter’s Point present time…
Plans have been implemented to meet proper provisions…
So what’s the point!
I shout out to my community….
I shout out with a point…
I shout out to the residents in the Bayview / Hunter’s Point…
