Leroy's Suggestions on Police Brutality Against People with Disabilities Beyond Training.....

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Yes I talk a lot about the problems so here are some of my suggestions toward police brutality against people with disabilities and who are Deaf.
SOME of My Suggestions:  So what can we do as a community more locally?
A. Switching the focuus from what police need to what the community needs.
B. Not saying that love ones shouldn’t sue. We have to realize that $$ is coming from us the taxpayers. Can you imagine if that $$$$$ came out of police’s pockets? If we can get intouched with families that lost a disabled/Deaf member by police brutality and offer our support and disability justice advice.
C. Team up with Malcolm x Grassroots Center, other Black orgs/Black disabled actiivists to do  reports, studies and papers on police brutality with Black/Brown disabled/Deaf people.
D. Continue to write about it especially in the Black media on Black twitter
E. Institutionally - recommend that our disability orgs take on the issue of police brutality against our youth and young adults by offering community forums, trainings, art/music programs on the topic of state violence, workshops on how not to call 911"..
F. Make inroads into NAACP about disability justice
G. Demand that anti-police brutality groups take a workshop on disability justice by @Sins Invalid, Patricia Berne,' Never Calling Police workshop by Poor Magazine, Lisa Tiny Gray-Garcia
H. Support local activists/orgs who are doing groundbreaking work in police brutality and disability/Deaf like the Idriss Stanley Foundation La Mesha Irizarry in SF, Center for Convivial Research and Autonomy, Annie Paradise and Advance Youth Leadership Power in Chicago, Candace Marie
I. Use tools that are already out there like Where Is Hope film documentary, Emmitt Thrower and more
J. As you have seen that I didn't mention policy and police reform because it is all about community control.
K. Get to know your neighbor and their families and talk about how they can be more aware of disability in everyday and in a crisis situation so you can call them not the police.
L. Demand these big federal grants that go to national disabled orgs have real community buy in.
M. Work with other who are collecting data on this issue to make sure disability, Deaf people are not only included but are apart of the researching team.
N.  Look internationally on police brutality and disability and what people with disabilities are doing.
We can demand more non-grant money, media and awareness to go to cultural projects like Krip-Hop Nation, Poor Magazine and Sins Invalid, etc. who have a record doing cultural work around police brutality against people with disabilities and many others. We can support the National Black Disability Coalition’s, Jane Dunhamn work around implementing Black Disability Studies at colleges and universities and their work in the community creating advocacy and cultural outlets to Black families and Black disabled people. As street activists in this fight against police brutality can start and continue to ask the following: are our rallies accessible, is the disabled community represented not only in your rallies but on the stage, on your media, in your talking points and are the politics of disability justice practice implemented in social justice left and their work before and during a movement?"
Thank You,
Leroy Moore Jr.
People after my presentation on police brutality against people with disabilities ask, what about training and says I'm too harsh when it comes to police training. My answer always have been if you want to continue down this road of police training, then people with disabilities need institutional power to write a national report and have the power to implement it. Anything else is a waste of time!
An example of Krip-Hop cultural work with a spin to it by @Kounterclockwise aka Deacon Burns and Kaya Rogue video The Whip Link:
Pic:Mr.  Musa Fudge, Black disabled man in SF abused by 14 cops with a title of the documentary film, Where Is Hope: The Art of Murder Police Brutality & Disability