Is It Time To Look What We Provide Our Disabled Youth When State Violence Is At An All Time High?

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Wait!  Since the late 80’s I’ve been protesting, advocating etc on police brutality against people with disabilities however today is totally different.  I am use  to reading and advocating for Black/Brown adults with disabilities but today our Black/Brown youth with disabilities are the growing cases of state violence in schools, on the streets, in group homes, locked up in jail, mental health facilities and even in their on homes when the police are called to "help" but a lot of times end of dead or abuse.  


In the 80's and 90's I've volunteered and worked in non-profits of people with disabilities and worked in recreation, summer camps, after school programs to I.E.P. to respite to big brother programs but in this climate of state violence isn't it time for new disabled youth/young adults programs that helps all disabled youth not only avoid state violence but to bring healing, a voice, advocacy and artistic avenues to young disabled victims of state violence?  In 2000 I wrote the article, The Blood Of Disabled Youth and poem Buried Voices (below) speaking about the abuse and killings of/on disabled youth.  Now it is 2017!


Has there been studies, cultural work, activism on state violence toward youth with disabilities especially poor/Black/Brown youth with disabilities by youth themselves?  Are our movements, cultural work and activism from police brutality to the school to prison pipeline to police in schools to institutionalize living leaving out disabled youth??


Everybody changes when they have kids or are around kids however it seems like our disability community has done very little when it comes to state violence against youth with disabilities not only activism but providing programs after the targedy.  Is it time to update what the disability non-profit industry provide to our youth?  Is it time to really challenge youth programs in general on this topic?  


One thing is clear and that is state abuse haven't stopped matter-of-fact it has only increase in the last five to ten years especially police brutality and abuse at schools...


Remember in late 2016, when there was an spike of cases of brutality cases against Black/Brown youth and young adults with disabilities from police and school resource officers.  Headlines like these are increasing daily even now in 2017!


1. Autistic teen gets beat up by cops in the Bronx Troy Canael


2. Mom Regrets Calling 9-1-1 for Help After Police Showed Up and Tasseled Her Nonverbal Autistic Son. Miguel  Torruella


3.  Autism Is Not A Crime’: Transit Police Beat St. Paul Teen During Arrest

Marcus Abrams


4. 11-Year-Old Autistic Student Charged with Felony Assault Kayleb Moon-Robinson


5.  A ten year old autistic Black girl was pin to the ground and handcuffed by school police for climbing a tree.


6.  Black teenager autistic girl tased at a Hip-Hop concert while having a grand male seizure.


These are only a small view of the bigger picture of police brutality that has been on the backs of Black/Brown youth with disabilities with very little or no reaction from mainstream movements, media etc..  


So where are the services, cultural expression, activism, support and media for the above disabled youth who were victims of police brutality?


With the increase of not only the act of state violence but policies that target youth who are poor and of color that leads to abuse by the state on the streets and in lock down facilities, the time is over due to really change or increase radical youth programs that deals with state violence by and for disabled youth and young adults especially Black/Brown/Poor disabled youth and young adults.


 Sadly my 2000  poem, Buried Voices is still relavent today in 2017 burt I ask like I did almost seventeen years ago, “is anyboddy listening, does anybody care?”




Buried Voices


The next generation

Is being plucked off one by one

On the streets, in schools and in prison


Little ones snuggled

In small coffins

Buried voices have many stories


Voices from down under

Crying for their mothers and fathers

Had a lot to say but no one bother to listen


Buried voices speaking in harmony

Tossing and turning in the grave

They want their justice


Hunting the soulless

Young spirits creeping in the minds of the old and wary

Their hit list is endless


Years of abuse

Caught up in the system

And can't get loose


Black, young and disabled

Always been labeled

Home was not stable


Elders set in their ways

They want to lock us away

Can't teach old dogs new tricks


Christopher, Seth and Dion

Blacks disabled boys can't grow up to be Black disabled men

I'm one of the chosen few

Buried in mainstream news

Buried in the community

Can't breath, can't hear, can't see


Layer after layer

Ism after ism

Wrapped up like a mummy


Buried voices are singing in the cemetery

No rest for the restless

They are voicing their short and painful history


Buried voices rising with the sun

Young disabled corps walking the earth

Talking back and heading north


Now everybody is scared

Running in fear

Cause judgment day is here


Parents, teachers and politicians

Listen to the voices

They demand your attention


Buried voices

Are always with me

They are in my head guiding my pen


I write with the blood of disabled youth

I'm their agent

Writing and speaking their messages


And they told me to tell you

Many are still in pain

Bullets and fists falling down on them like pouring rain


Poems can't bring them back from the dead

Do you hear that, buried voices want me to speak the raw truth

This poem wants you to think with your heart first then your head


The truth hurts

But it also heals

We need to get real


But I feel the tension

Every time I mention the reason

Why I wrote Buried Voices


(This article, Blood of Disabled Youth, was published in 2000 under Poor Magazine)


What the hell is going on? Can you answer me? First, it was disabled adults of color. Now, disabled youth of color are under attack in schools and on the streets. Do you hear that? Disabled youth are yelling and crying for help and attention. Are we going to go on like everything is o.k.? Well I'm here to tell you everything is not O.K. The next generation of disabled leaders won't be if we continue our silence on the street violence and abuse that has been a reality to many.


In November of this year (2000) I came across three cases in San Francisco mainstream newspapers dealing with street violence, rape and physical abuse of disabled youth. All three cases have similarities and differences. All three appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, the victims were all disabled youth of color and all three victims were overpowered by more than one person or an elder.


The first case was the long-,awaited court case and verdict of a 1995 beating and stomping attack of Seth Woods, an African American, mentally disabled young adult. Seth Woods was attacked by five Samoan youths while walking home. After five years of waiting, the Woods family received their justice. On November 9th a San Francisco jury returned verdicts of second-degree murder, torture and sodomy.


The second case is recent and very heartbreaking. A twelve-year-old African American girl with learning disabilities was sexually assaulted at two different schools in Berkeley, CA. The first assault involved nine classmates and took place after school on October 25th. According to the news reports, a pack of nine boys allegedly dragged the girl to 11 different locations, sexually assaulting her for more than four hours. Then, on Nov. 8th, her second day at a new school in Berkeley, a 13-year-old lured the girl to a secluded area on the school campus and raped her.


I came across the most recent case when I confronted a headline at breakfast screaming "Police Probe, S.F. Boys Claim Teacher Threw a Yardstick at Him." At that moment I dropped my spoon in my oatmeal and screamed, "What in the hell?" The article said that a sixth-grade special education teacher threw a yardstick at a 9-year-old special education student. The stick hit the boy's face and caused scratches under his right eye and on his nose. Now the teacher is placed on leave, pending an investigation by the district.


The above cases are only recent cases, but this is not a new trend. In 1988 Tony G., a 13-year-old Samoan boy with Down Syndrome, was walking home with his favorite toy, a toy gun. A San Francisco police officer thought the gun was real, so he shot and killed him.


These cases are not only in California. The unbearable story of Marcus Hogg of Texas made me cry. In June of this year Hogg, an African American disabled teenager was approached by two white teens who proceeded to tie his hands behind his chair and his legs to the legs of the chair. Then the two teens placed a noose around his neck and joked about throwing the rope over the rail to hang him. Like my articles on the abuse and brutality toward disabled adults of color, the above issue has been hush-hush in the disabled communities and communities of color.


So what is the answer to the violence and brutality towards disabled, especially those of color? I have been hearing that disabled youth should not be mainstreamed with their non-disabled peers. Parents and people with disabilities fought for the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and other special education laws that promote and support the rights of parents and disabled youth to receive a free appropriated education along side their non-disabled peers. We have been fighting too long to return to "separate but equal," to be locked away in institutions.


What we need in both public and private schools is formal collaborations with grassroots organizations that have the skills and experience to advocate and educate the student body and the administration.


Teachers, students, school administrators and principals can all benefit from hands-on workshops, awareness trainings and classes on disability rights, history, culture, self-esteem building, role play etc. from organizations like The Race, Poverty and Media Justice Institute that are led by disability scholars who have experienced these situations first-hand.


The issue of a lack of hands-on training is a common factor across the board, from police to teachers, on how to deal with people, students and youth offenders with disabilities. We need to look further than just training and call it like it is, abuse, murder! We can't afford to lose one more disabled youth.

Pic: Black little girl and White police officer holding a taser gun pointing to the Black girl (It was reported that she has autism and after being tased she had a grand male seizure)