The Rock

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On October 14th, I woke up so early the sun wasn’t even out. It was 2’oclock. My Decolonize family Tiny, Mute, Tiburcio, and I, Kimo, and more to come we're going to Alcatraz. We raced to the van wrapped in a blanket, in preparation for how cold it would be.
I was heading out to Alcatraz because me and the Decolonize family were invited to be a part of the Indigenous People’s day ceremony. I celebrate Indiginous People’s Day instead of Columbus day because Columbus wasn't a hero, he was a villain who slaughtered Aztec people for the pursuit of gold.      
The loading dock was in San Francisco’s pier. When I arrived it was like being in a butcher shop where they keep the meat preserved and Rocky’s hitting the cow. It was Tiny, Tibu, Mute, Amir, Akil’s family and me. We stood idle on the loading bay ready to head to the psych ward. 
It only took about 15 minutes to get to Alcatraz. Honestly, from the last time I was at Alcatraz I thought it would take longer. After I arrived it was still dark. There was a circle being formed for the ceremony. Their were so many people they could fill every cell in the place. 
Unfortunately, the first generation of people in the prisons were native Indgienous folks who didn't conform to the united states colonization. I would also learn that Alcatraz was only 1.5 miles away from San Francisco, which isn’t that far, but when you have guards defending the place and that water that’s colder than Antarctica, the place could be defined as a cold hell.
I would also learn Columbus never even stepped foot in North America. He sailed the Carribean and found the Aztecs in South America, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, etc. I would dance with my friend’s in the ceremony. It was about 15 minutes but we put on a show. 
We would leave the rock back to san francisco to go to denny’s by the pier. Fun fact, never go to Motel denny’s. They charge more and the food wasn't that good in my opinion. 
