People Skool for Poverty Skolaz- Joe

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A Payee
In 2017 mid-November, in crisis, my fear grips me vice-tight. Already missed two housing dates, a third postponed.
At last! I visit a Mr. Olive.
He's a real estate person who says, "A tenant moved out wants to move back in, but I think you'd fit better and honor and enjoy this place more."
We shake hands, exchange paperwork-money. Suddenly! I've got KEYS! They Glitter as if they're Pearls in my Hand! The Payee is a person, business, or third party given part of a recipients monthly income by the state, government, or both. Representative Payee's like their clients are struggling to survive. 2.5 million or more may be cheating their charges out of their checks every month. [Though I could be wrong on statistics].
My worst fear: talking my way free of my payee. When my courage is at it zenith; I'm told "Don't speak or contact your payee in anyway, Live your life in your new space."
Simultaneously, a family crisis happens, I believe that's what caused my courage to flair.
Which is the most urgent between three conflicting problems! I had to deal with two but not a third. My Payee Had To GO! I switched from a personal payee for an impersonal one.
Later I'm freed from this payee too [Fine With Me]. The gripping vice-tight fear gone, my way to self-entitled survival enable me to live a better, stable life. Other lives like my own have depended on many people, organizations, helping me/us at critical junctions when I was psychologically paralyzed in vice-tight fear. I avoid all kinds of hassles. At this stage of the game, I'm lazy if not wise. My opinion: Those that can use debit cards do so. Those needing more help, the use of charitable orgs or reputable businesses with proven integrity may be a better way.