Joint statement against the incarceration "detention" and raids on Indigenous Refugees from Central and Southern Turtle Island and all of Mama Earth

Original Author
Original Body
The following is a joint statement against the incarceration "detention" and raids on Indigenous Refugees from Central and Southern Turtle Island and all of Mama Earth by the International and local movements/Organizations listed below. 
We are a collection of multi-nationed, multi-generational indigenous Black, /Brown and landess/homeless/poor & disabled people-led movements and organizations who resist the notion that any entity "owns" mama earth through settler-colonizer created paper including treaties, grant deeds, "laws" or Borders and that this perceived "ownership" leads to/causes the continued incarceration, profiling, terror, murder and death of children, families, elders and communities from all across Mama Earth.
As well, this statement is invoking the UNDRIP = United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, lifting up articles 10, 11, 13 and 27 that states the multiple rights of all indigenous peoples to cross settler colonial created borders due to poverty, wars, violence, work, ceremony or other needs without criminalization,  harassment, incarceration or abuse.
This statement is also invoking the Hoarded Mama Earth WeSearch report created by disabled, homeless and fomerly homeless youth and families who have been incarcerated, police harassed, murdered, removed and displaced from the violence of historical and present colonial laws, land, resource theft and institutions that dictate and inform the same systems that are threatening, detaining and incarcerating indigenous refugees from all four corners of Mama Earth, like they hav been doing for 527 years. 
The youth and families who created the Hoarded Mama Earth report are students/residents of Deecolonize Academy- a liberation school at Homefulness, which lifts up the belief and practices of the landless peoples movement called Homefulness and is informed/co-led by the Lisjan /Ohlone 1st Nations people of Oakland that has officially un-sold Mama earth and named this land as sanctuary for all homeless/landless peoples  for the joint protection, housing, healing and ceremony of indigenous/Black, Brown and Homeless youth , elders and families in this small occupied part of Ohlone/Lisjan territory 
Organizations Signing On So far 

Indian Peoples Organizing for Change (IPOC)

IdleNoMore SF

Krip Hop Nation

Anti-PoLice Terror Project (APTP)

Justice Teams Network

Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP)

East Bay Permanent Real Estate Cooperative 

POOR Magazine/HOMEFULNESS/ Deecolonize Academy

Gay Shame 

Idriss Stelley Foundaiton 

Families with a Future

San Francisco Bay View Newspaper

Do No Harm Coalition 

Collective Brown Berets de la Bahia 

Women's Policy Institute Alameda County Criminal Justice Team

Refuge Ministries of Tampa Bay International

Revolutionary Road radio show

Extinction Rebellion of Middle TN

#PPEHRC #Poorpeoplesarmy







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