Re-Caging A Healer, Teacher, Mentor

Original Author
Original Body

*** Update: JV was finally released from the kkkage on Sept 24th with an INSANE ransom of $250,000.- tune in for a virtual press conference sponsored by POOR Magazine Tuesday, Sept 29th at 10am - Zoom Link: ID: 943 235 2233

The HisStory-

Joey Villareal, a true community leader, teacher, author and what we at POOR Magazine call, a Poverty scholar is back in a kage.(jail ) being held on No Bail in Santa Clara County Jail.

He is a victim of the racist, classist "Gang Enhancements" and the extremely racist  "Injustice System that ensnares every poor person it gets.

Joey, like myself and many of us at POOR Magazine came from a life in struggle and poverty. He was incarcerated for much of his life and while incarcerated reached out to become a participant in our Notes from the Inside project, sending articles and original art while still incarcerated with the goal of teaching and sharing his struggle with other young men and women of color in poverty/struggle so as to change, transform and heal their journey. He did all of that and more. He was and is such a powerful voice that he helped countless youth while still inside, choose another direction and see clearly their worth.


As soon as Joey was was “free”, he was on the ground running, launching educational media projects, teaching youth and adults in poverty and creating art and building movements for further change and transformation of his community and the world. 


He has done so much powerful educational , media, radio  and community work with POOR Magazine, which is a poor and indigenous people-led media, arts, education and healing-based non-profit organization that my mother and i launched when I was a child and we were houseless. Our entire organization isl in grief without his voice. 


On the personal side, Joey changed my life. As a formerly incarcerated very low-income single parent, the struggle to stay grounded is very real. The struggle to stay inspired and on track is absolutely key and Joey has helped both me and my sun when we were in extreme depression due to the realities that poor families struggle with everyday. 


In addition, Joey was and is an amazing artist and was one of the illustrators of this powerful childrens book about poverty and homelessness The Hardworker/el Trabajador Fuerte that we released last year. 


Due to the system lies and twisting of the truth we are not able speak on any details on the case but suffice to say he was teaching, mentoring healing like he does every Sunday when he was re-caged.


Please help him be free by sending letters to DA Jeff Rosen demanding he be released back to into the community so he can continue his powerFULL work creating Po Peoples Radio #FreeAztlan, his books, his teaching and all the work Joey does all the time, because his healing work is so needed.
