Fuk a kkkurfew on StolenLand - Statement by Houseless & Formerly Houseless, Indigenous, Disabled Poverty Skolaz

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Original Body

Statement in Resistance to State Sponsored Murder/Kkkurfews and Control on Stolen Land from Houseless/Migrante/Indigenous/Poor/Disabled/Youth/adult and elder poverty skolaz from POOR Magazine/Homefulness & Deecolonize Academy  


This community of multi-racial, multi-ligual, multi-cultural, multi-spirited, disabled poor people building a homeless peoples self-determined land liberation movement that NEVER engages with the systems of PoLicing or other Governmental institutions that test, arrest, or incarcerate us- Hereby declare that we contiue to refuse and resist all state-sponsored control, terror and curfews on this stolen land. 

As well, we contnue to stand in resistance to the ongoing PoLie murder and abuse that has plagued this stolen land since its orginal theft and the killing of Black, Brown, Disabled and Houseless people. In Addition we lift up the lives and spirits of Breonna Taylor, George Floyd, Stephen Taylor who most recetnly sparked people to refuse, to resist and to Say NOT ANOTHER DEATH. 

It is with prayer and humilty, love and respect for all of us and especially the next seven generations that we release this statement 

Signers include POOR Magazine/Krip Hop Nation/ The SF Bayview Newspaper

Please contact poormag@gmail.com if you would like to co-sponsor/sign on to this statement 
