A Poverty skolaz journey through Covid, Cancer and Healing in Come-Unity
(dedicated to one of my favorite nephews Tyray Taylor- we miss you and love u )
“Only rich white people get Corona, “ do you know anyone who has got it?” Rico- one of the currently houseless, poverty skolaz who works in the Homefulness village chuckled as he refused another one of my attempts to hand him a mask.
“It must be hard for people where you come from in this Pandemic” a wite woman neighbor spoke to my South Asian Friend the other day in that usual way “nice” wite people rudely“offer” their arrogant colonial opinions like they are teaching you something, even though noone asked for them.
Mural created by poor and houseless artists at POOR Magazine which was painted over to make way for flashier, more “impactful” mural done by middle-class trust fund artists in SF